Here I stopped by, to reflect my yesterdays, being an observer of my own life...Past is like a dream...past incidents:favourable and adverse, experiences:ecstacy and misery, feelings:pleasure and pain, are all dissolved, incorrigible and cease to exist now.Present is all about awakening from the dream, being in the current moment fully awake and preparing for a future of our dreams!!
Success is an on going process. After one success there is another greater challenge waiting to be overcome...there is no time to rest on our laurels, life is a continuous strive to meet expectations, both ours and of the world-----Bindu----- More of it at
Here I stopped by, to reflect my yesterdays, being an observer of my own life...Past is like a dream...past incidents:favourable and adverse, experiences:ecstacy and misery, feelings:pleasure and pain, are all dissolved, incorrigible and cease to exist now.Present is all about awakening from the dream, being in the current moment fully awake and preparing for a future of our dreams!!
Here I stopped by, to reflect my yesterdays, being an observer of my own life...Past is like a dream...past incidents:favourable and adverse, experiences:ecstacy and misery, feelings:pleasure and pain, are all dissolved, incorrigible and cease to exist now.Present is all about awakening from the dream, being in the current moment fully awake and preparing for a future of our dreams!!
Saturday, 28 September 2013
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Sensitive Nose
Kannan's muscles
"uncle, what are those on Kannan's hands??"
Sajeev said "thats how all babies' hands are. they look chubby like this!!"
she replied "Oh is it?? I thought they are muscles!!"
Tooth fairy
She did get her gift once the tooth came out. But then she recollected that she saw the gift in some shop...
Years later she realised that the tooth fairy was actually me ...:D yes, she did grow up...