Here I stopped by, to reflect my yesterdays, being an observer of my own life...Past is like a dream...past incidents:favourable and adverse, experiences:ecstacy and misery, feelings:pleasure and pain, are all dissolved, incorrigible and cease to exist now.Present is all about awakening from the dream, being in the current moment fully awake and preparing for a future of our dreams!!

Success is an on going process. After one success there is another greater challenge waiting to be overcome...there is no time to rest on our laurels, life is a continuous strive to meet expectations, both ours and of the world-----Bindu----- More of it at

Here I stopped by, to reflect my yesterdays, being an observer of my own life...Past is like a dream...past incidents:favourable and adverse, experiences:ecstacy and misery, feelings:pleasure and pain, are all dissolved, incorrigible and cease to exist now.Present is all about awakening from the dream, being in the current moment fully awake and preparing for a future of our dreams!!

Yesterday's portraits of my ardent journey through the miracle called life!!

Here I stopped by, to reflect my yesterdays, being an observer of my own life...Past is like a dream...past incidents:favourable and adverse, experiences:ecstacy and misery, feelings:pleasure and pain, are all dissolved, incorrigible and cease to exist now.Present is all about awakening from the dream, being in the current moment fully awake and preparing for a future of our dreams!!

Saturday, 30 April 2011

Fashion Show 2011!!

Aishwarya and her cousin Rohith

Friday, 29 April 2011

Wind Chimes

Monday, 25 April 2011

Pencil Drawings

Majestic Tiger

Today, I felt like drawing my favourite animal. One of God's most beautiful creations- the magestic Tiger. Done with Lyra 6B pencil.

The Cuckoo


Done with B, 3B and 6B pencil on 28/29 April 2011

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

An evening to remember!!

Thanks to Hai Yan, Luo Jun and Tian Yu for making it a wonderful evening !!Thanks for these flowers :-)


Moon looked splendid on 18th night!! 

"I put it shining anywhere I please.

By walking slowly on some evening later,
I've pulled it from a crate of crooked trees,
And brought it over glossy water, greater,
And dropped it in, and seen the image wallow,
The color run, all sorts of wonder follow."

-Robert Frost (Freedom of the Moon) 

Monday, 18 April 2011

Aishwarya's 'five minutes of fame' at school :-)

My Vishu - 2011



Vishu Sadhya